About Us


We're Nathan and Lauren, the husband and wife team behind Thunderbolt Balms. We have been married for 10 years and have 3 young children with the most beautiful red hair you ever did see. Lauren was country born and bread, and Nathan grew up in Sydney. In 2017 we made the move to country NSW to create a quieter lifestyle for our little family.

Nathan is a baker by trade but currently runs the local milkrun. Creating exceptional quality beard products with natural ingredients has been a hobby of his and now it's time to share his passion with the world. Nathan has always sported a beard, at the young age of 12 he was told if he shaves everyday his beard will grow back quicker and thicker, needless to say, so began Nathan's mission to grow the most luscious, glorious beard he could.

Lauren is currently a stay at home Mum while juggling some part time work from home. She is the admin and organiser behind Thunderbolt Balms and most importantly the scent tester. Thankfully Lauren does not sport a beard.

We have a vision for Thunderbolt Balms that includes products for all members of the family, and are thankful for your support and encouragement along the way.

We hope you continue with us on this journey and we look forward to releasing new products for the follicly gifted and the not so follicly gifted.

Beards Soon,

Nathan and Lauren